The poem illustrates the strength and destructiveness of the wind. According to the poem, the wind blows ferociously and shatters everything in its path. The poet makes a connection between this strong wind and life’s challenges, obstacles, and struggles. These challenges can easily destroy weak people, just like the wind destroys everything that is weak. They can only be overcome by strong people. Therefore, the poem exhorts us to have courage and unwavering resolve. It conveys the idea that in order to handle any difficulties or hardships in life, we must have strong hearts and willpower.

In these lines, the poet requests the wind to blow gently and not destroy anything with ifs force. He asks the wind not to break the shutters of the windows and scatter the papers here and there. He also asks the wind not to throw down the books from the shelf. The whole stanza implies a rebuke to the wind not to do these things as it is famed to do. The repetition of the word don’t in these lines highlight the requests of poet for mercy. As the wind had not paid any attention to the poet’s request of not blowing strongly. The poet says that the wind has threw down the books from the shelf and it torn the pages of the books. The poet also accuses that the wind has also bring rain with it.

The poet seems a little depressed in these lines. The poet praises the wind for being cunning because it mocks all weak things. Strong winds are a metaphor for all the challenges and struggles people face throughout their lives. According to the poet, the wind disintegrates all flimsy objects, including rafters, doors, rafters, and wood. With its immense power, it even extinguishes people, their lives, and their hearts. The wind God keeps eliminating or dividing the weak until only the strong (those who can endure hardships and overcome challenges) are left. Weak and meek difficulties can be destroyed by the wind. It implies that challenges in life can result in a loss of hope and even death.

The poet speaks to them in these lines and compels them to strengthen themselves because the wind will not listen to them. The poet advises the audience to construct sturdy homes and to fasten/seal the doors tightly to prevent damage from wind. He exhorts his readers to develop courage and fortitude in order to deal with all of life’s challenges. In order to be able to face the wind and any challenges in life, the poet advises his audience to work hard to develop both a firm mind and a strong body. The wind will become their ally if they are successful in doing so, and it won’t hurt them.

The poet describes wind in these lines as both a creator and a destroyer. The wind extinguishes the frail fires like a destroyer. It cultivates strong fires and acts as a creator. In other words, wind has the power to flourish a strong thing while destroying all weak things. According to the poet, if we are strong, the wind is our friend and nothing can hurt us. Everyday we will thank the wind God for enhancing our fortitude. As a result, we should prepare ourselves mentally and physically for any challenges. Once we are strong, we can easily overcome obstacles and lead comfortable lives.