In this poem, the poet talks about how a snake tries to get away from a person with a stick who wants to kill it. The poet wants to show that not all snakes are dangerous by telling the story of a scared snake. Most people think of snakes as dangerous and poisonous animals, but they won’t attack if they’re left alone. Snakes only bite when they have to. The poet also thinks the snake is beautiful. He likes how gracefully and gracefully the snake moves. Then, he tells us that we shouldn’t be afraid.

In this poem, the poet talks about how a person with a stick wants to kill a snake and how the snake tries to get away. By telling the story of a scared snake, the poet wants to show that not all snakes are dangerous. Most people think snakes are dangerous and poisonous, but if you leave them alone, they won’t attack. When they have to, snakes only bite. Even the poet thinks the snake is pretty. He likes the way the snake moves with grace and ease. Then he tells us not to be afraid.

The poet says in these lines that the snake is afraid of getting hurt. It is trying to get into the water so it can avoid harm and go into the reeds without getting hurt. The poet wants the snake to go hide in the water plants so it won’t get hurt. The fact that the snake is small and green shows that it is not poisonous. So, the snake won’t hurt anyone, not even children.

The poet says in these lines that the snake was lying in the sand until someone saw it and chased it away. But the snake moved quickly and hid among the thin green water plants in the ripples. That’s how it got away from the person who was after it among the thin, green seeds.