The Snake and the Mirror Class 9 English, Beehive Summary


The narrator of this story is a homoeopathic physician. He describes his encounter with a snake in a funny yet terrifying way. The doctor was admiring himself in the mirror as he sat in his room one evening. A snake slithers onto his shoulder and coils around his left arm without warning. Fortunately, the snake looks into the mirror and turns its head. It uncoils from the physician’s arm and advances towards the mirror. As a result, the doctor has a chance to get away.


The narrator was a homeopathic doctor. His practise had just begun at the time. He resided in a modest rental flat without an electricity connection. He had only recently begun his medical practise, and his income was modest. The narrator tells his friends about his encounter with a snake. It was a steamy summer evening. After eating at the restaurant, the doctor went back to his room around ten o’clock. He heard a sound from above as soon as he opened the door. He disregarded the noise because there were numerous rats in his room. He lit the Kerosene lamp and changed out of his attire. He then opened the two windows and lay down on his bed, but the heat prevented him from falling asleep. To get some fresh air, he got up and went to the veranda.

The doctor returned to his room and sat down in a chair. He placed a medical book on the table after taking it out. On the table, a lamp and a sizable mirror were kept. Additionally, a tiny comb was next to the mirror. The doctor believed in grooming himself to look good because he was single. The doctor heard the same sound once more but disregarded it. He took two significant decisions after carefully examining his face in the mirror. He would first regularly shave and grow a short moustache. Second, he would maintain a charming smile at all times. He abruptly heard the same noise once more. The physician also believed that he would wed a wealthy female physician with a reputable medical practise. She needed to be large because, should he make a silly mistake and need to flee, she would be helpless to catch him.

The doctor went for a while without hearing any sounds coming from above. There was an abrupt dull thud (sound of something heavy falling). On his shoulder, a large snake landed. Above the elbow, the snake wrapped itself around the doctor’s left arm. His hod was dispersed. The doctor’s face was just 3 to 4 inches away from the animal’s head. The physician did not behave as if he had become immobile. His left arm started to hurt. After asking God for assistance, the doctor realised that he was being foolish and stupid by not carrying any snakebite medication. He grinned at himself and lost sight of his peril. The snake’s head swivelled. It noticed its reflection when it turned to face the mirror. It then uncoiled from the doctor’s arm and moved gradually towards his lap. The snake then slithered over to the table and crept towards the mirror, seemingly enjoying a closer look at its reflection. As a result, the doctor had a chance to leave the house. He quietly stood up from the chair and entered the veranda through the door. He then dashed into the garden as quickly as he could.

The physician ran until he arrived at his friend’s home. He bathed there and dressed afterwards. He made the decision to relocate. The doctor and his friend went to their room to move their belongings the following morning at around 8:00. But the doctor and his friends discovered that a thief had stolen the majority of his belongings. The doctor never saw that snake again after that day.

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