bepin choudhury lapse of memory summary

Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory Summary HoneyDew Class 8

Summary of Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory

Lapse of Memory by Bepin Choudhury is a hilarious story about a man named Bepin Choudhury. He is the story’s protagonist, and he believes he is ill. He encounters folks who tell him about an occurrence he has no mewmory of.

This perplexes Bepin since he believes that one memory is missing. He recalls everything, except what the other gentlemen persuade him of. As a result, he believes he has had a gap of memory. The entire plot revolves around the incidents and his journey to discover the truth. 

Nevertheless, we discover at the end that it was all a ruse. Out of vengeance, his old pal perpetrated a practical prank on him. When Bepin did not assist his friend in need, his friend did all of this. Bepin was always OK, it was all a set-up.

Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory Summary in English

The narrative opens with a description of a guy named Bepin Choudhury. It was his practice to go to a bookstore and buy books that he liked. During one of these visits, a guy approaches him. He introduces himself as Parimal Ghose, an old acquaintance from his Ranchi trip.

Bepin is initially certain that the man is mistaking him for someone else. But, when Parimal exposes personal information about him, he becomes perplexed. Bepin has no recollection of any of the occurrences mentioned by the man. He’s never been to Ranchi, in fact.

The individual then claims that Dinesh Mukerji was also on the trip and that he may have confirmed this with him. Bepin pays little attention to this and goes about his business. Nonetheless, it continues to concern him, so he confirms the encounter with Dinesh, who also confirms the narrative.

Bepin is now befuddled since he cannot recall that specific episode. He becomes concerned and believes he is losing his memory. Bepin now seeks treatment from the doctor. This also perplexes the doctor, who has never encountered a case like this before.

Bepin is advised by the doctor to go to Ranchi. He believes that returning to the location will bring back memories he believes he has forgotten. Bepin even travels there, although he has no recollection of it.

He now becomes concerned and summons the doctor, who will arrive later.
Bepin discovers the truth before the doctor arrives. Chunni Lal, his buddy, performed a practical prank on him in order to get revenge. Chunni once needed a job badly and Bepin couldn’t assist him, so he ignored him.

Chunni did all of this to get revenge on him. This irritates Bepin, but it also soothes him so that he is not losing his memories. So, when the doctor arrives, he tells him a falsehood. Instead of confessing the hoax, he claims that visiting Ranchi brought up memories and that he is OK now.

Conclusion of Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory

This is a pretty amusing story of a practical hoax played on another buddy out of spite for not assisting him in his time of need. It tells us that what we sow is what we will reap.

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