A Visit to Cambridge notes

A Visit to Cambridge Summary Honeydew Class 8 English

Summary of A Visit to Cambridge

Firdaus Kanga is the author of A Visit to Cambridge. He was a journalist who had travelled extensively over the world. He was also disabled, but he never allowed it become his disability. He was also an inspiration to others around him. The author describes one of his adventures in England in this narrative. The author recounts his journey to Cambridge University when he had the opportunity to interview Stephen Hawking.

Hawking informed him that it amused him when people patronised him. He also stated that he had no choice but to be courageous and accept his situation. Stephen Hawking, according to the author, is one of the most gorgeous guys in the world. At the end of the conversation, Hawking advised persons with disabilities to focus on what they are excellent at. As a result, they will almost certainly prosper in life.

A Visit to Cambridge Summary in English

This chapter is based on the author’s experience in England. Cambridge University has always piqued his interest. Nevertheless, after speaking with Professor Hawking, it grew more interesting to him. He met Stephen Hawking on a walking excursion there. Stephen William Hawking was an astronomer with a disability. He took up Isaac Newton’s position in Cambridge University’s Physics Department. He wrote the best-selling book ‘A Brief History of Time’ during his lifetime.

After the walking tour, he paid a visit to Steven Hawking’s home. His aide took the call. The author informed him that he had travelled all the way from India in a wheelchair. He also expressed a desire to meet Stephen Hawking and to publish a book based on his experiences in England. The meeting was scheduled from 3:30 to 4 p.m. by the assistant. The author was taken aback when he noticed a mechanism supporting his body. He did, however, calm himself to ask inquiries.

When asked about his bravery, Hawking stated that he had no choice but to be strong and accept his condition. He expressed amusement in seeing people pamper him. When the author asked him, he said that he gets angry when individuals like him bother him. With a smile, he said yes. Throughout the conversation, Hawking looks to the author to be the most gorgeous guy on the planet.

The author also asked him why, because of his impairment, Hawking is unable to appreciate humility and goodwill in the world. Hawking and the author agreed on this. The interview concluded with some suggestions for persons who are crippled or handicapped. He stated that they should concentrate on the positive aspects of themselves rather than their disabilities. They should avoid being overly passionate and should just accomplish what they are competent at. Hawking then walked into his garden. The author considered his voyage to be both inspiring and successful.

Conclusion of A Visit to Cambridge

We cannot let our physical limitations limit our ability to achieve great things. It is the mind’s ability that is more significant. As a result, we’ll concentrate on it.

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